Saturday, 19 December 2015

Something New

As if I haven't got enough big pieces on the go I've decided to start another one!  Why is that those new starts are so magical?  There's something addictive and exciting about puting the needle through the fabric for the first time and placing those first stitches.  I just love new starts, almost more than finishes which may be why I don't seem to get very many of them.

So this new start, as I said another big piece but slightly different this time.  I've taken on Save The Stitches by Blackwork Journey which, as it suggests, is blackwork rather than cross stitch.  It come in 24 parts so if I stitch two each month I could finish it in a year!  Yeah I know, nice plan but I'll never stick to it.  Anyway, this is what I have so far:-

The lighting of the photo is really bad so sorry about that but you get the idea.  This is the outline for the whole of block 1 and each block needs to be filled in with different blackwork patterns.  I'm enjoying it and it seems to stitch up quite quickly but I guess that might vary depending on the stitch that's being used at any one time.

Now with less than a week to go to Christmas and all sorts of commitments between now and then I don't suppose I'll get a chance to do any stitching for a while.   At some stage I'm going to have to get the house and food ready for 13 people for the big day and I'm working Christmas Eve (bad planning), so I probably won't get to post again before the 25th.

So I'll wish you all a very merry Christmas and hope that Santa brings you loads of stitchy stuff!


Khristine Doiron said...

It looks great!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Rachel said...

That's good progress for a new start and, although blackwork is not my thing, I really look forward to seeing your 24 blocks in 2016!
Merry Christmas to you too. And I love the snowflakes on your blog! :)

Tiffstitch said...

Nice start and good luck with everything! I hope you can make some things ahead of time to save stress on the 24th. Merry Christmas to you as well.