Tuesday, 6 January 2015

That First Small Step

Hello and welcome to my Blog!

I've tried this before, Cross Stitch Crazy, which as you can probably guess was solely about Cross Stitch.  I stopped stitching for a bit and so my blog came to a holt.  I thought I'd try again.  Yes it will still be about cross stitch but also about other things.  I'm trying to lose weight - New Year, new start and all that, again something I've done before with various degrees of success.  Hopefully by following some of that here it'll help me stay on track.

My other "addiction" that keeps me away from my stitching is the Sims.  Probably an odd combination, stitching and computer gaming (although it's generally only the one game) but they work for me.  Although I can only do one at a time so when I Sim, my stitching does suffer.

So here goes for a new start in a new year.  Please come a long for the ride.

1 comment:

craftingpaws said...

Great start to your new blog! (I just started blogging again, too.)
I used to play the Sims all the time, unfortunately things got a bit too busy and I couldn't play anymore. Anyway, I look forward to reading more!